Asian Development Bank Scholarship 2020-2021

 Asian Development Bank Japan Scholarship Program

Japan Scholarship Program is a fully-funded scholarship. Students with the good academic record and members of the Asian Development Bank and want to continue their postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields can apply in ADB Japan Scholarship Program. 

Level of Education: Masters (Postgraduate)

Duration: 2 years

  1. Tuition Fee
  2. Housing
  3. Books
  4. Medical Insurance
  5. Economy airfare
  6. Research Subsidy


  1. University of Melbourne
  2. University of Sydney
  3. Australian National University
  1. University of Hong Kong
  1. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
  1. Hitotsubashi University
  2. Saitama University
  3. Keio University
  4. Nagoya University
  5. Ritsumeikan University
  6. International University of Japan
  7. Kobe University
  8. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
  9. Kyushu University
  10. National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
  11. Tokyo Institute of Technology
  12. University of Tokyo
  13.  University of Tsukuba
New Zealand
  1. University of Auckland
  1. Lahore University of Management Sciences
  1. University of the Philippines, Los Baños
  2. Asian Institute of Management
  1. National University of Singapore
  2. Nanyang Technological University
  1. Thammasat University
  2. Asian Institute of Technology
  1. University of Hawaii

Eligibility Requirements

  1. ADB developing member country Citizen
  2. Work Experience of two years
  3. Admitted in an approved course in given universities
  4. Age limit 35 years

Eligible Countries

  1. Viet Nam
  2. Vanuatu
  3. Uzbekistan
  4. Tuvalu
  5. Turkmenistan
  6. Tonga
  7. Timor-Leste
  8. Thailand
  9. Tajikistan
  10. Sri Lanka
  11. Solomon Islands
  12. Samoa
  13. Philippines
  14. Papua New Guinea
  15. Palau
  16. Pakistan
  17. Niue
  18. Nepal
  19. Nauru
  20. Myanmar
  21. Mongolia
  22. Marshall Islands
  23. Maldives
  24. Malaysia
  25. Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  26. Kyrgyz Republic
  27. Kiribati
  28. Kazakhstan
  29. Indonesia
  30. India
  31. Georgia
  32. Fiji
  33. Federated States of Micronesia
  34. Cook Islands
  35. Cambodia
  36. Bhutan
  37. Bangladesh
  38. Azerbaijan
  39. Armenia
  40. Afghanistan

Application Scholarship

Obtain an application form from the university submit a complete application and indicate that you wish to be considered for ADB-JSP. A separate application is not necessary ADB will select scholars among admitted by the institutes.

Application Deadline

Apply in normal months of intake and follow the deadline of the institute in which you are applying

Important Links

 Apply Now                               Official Link